Ceniza de Italia


so its been almost a week "camping out" at moms with my sis and her fam and me and my fam and - ya tu sabes! so now ppl are putting aside their niceties...

so my sis MissyFoo decided to have her usual breakfast - fit for kings! of course

cheese imported from ITALY., or should i say - ITALIA

so Vic, walks into the kitchen and sees ...pan y queso...

Vic: oh-oh! desayuno con pan y queso! mi

as he reaches over MissyFoo blocks him: no, no. THIS is imported from ITALIA. [accentuating the foreign-ness of ITALY.]

Vic: no me digas?

MissyFoo: yes. its very ... delicado.  [accentuating her lingusitic prowess] You may take a tiny sliver. [over-pronouncing the L, the V , and the R]

Vic: 0--0

MissyFoo: (beeming! she is in her element) this is called .... Sottocenere [sounding very ITALIA]

Vic: so-to- QUE?

MissyFoo: Tisk, Tisk.  Let me explain... you see, this cheese here is made, well, the outer rind is made from volcanic ashes from the volcanos of ITALIA.  originally it was from Mount Vesuvius. {as if we chould all know where Vesuvius is]

Vic: cenizas de volcan?  i lost my appetite.

Here are more blog posts about FOOD with an unexpected funny twist like to the story.... enjoy!

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