But My Name is on the Marquee!

we are getting ready to see DC-7 right? off broadway- as in TIMES SQUARE. im excited cuz i was told my name is on the marquee! [because i reviewed it for LaDiva mag] so i put on a dress and hair and makeup and go check on papito. he has on sweats and a white t-shirt. huh?

"papito! que haces!?! u cant dress like that! after all my name is on the marquee!!! por favor!"

papito: why cant i wear my t-shirt? its a nice t-shirt!

me:  cuz this is supposed to be important!  after all, my name is on the marquee!

i look at V for some help here and i notice that he too has
on sweats and a white t-shirt.

me:  Does anyone care that my name is on the marquee  in times square?!

puchi comes running down and she has on a dress but she also has lipstick on and dangling pantallas, una pulsera, y una cartera.  

"puchi! quitate ese lapiz de labio! ur NINE!  u can't wear lipstick!!!  or earring!  or a bracelet!"

puchi: pero mami! ur name is on the marquee!!!

well, i cant argue with that! :D