Niagara Falls

my GringaMom is so GRINGA.... 

how gringa is she??? 

my GringaMom wants to get closer to her Latin roots so she's visiting... ARGENTINA.

she's very excited about "terror dah fu-ey-go"

smh. tierra de fuego

GringaMom shows Puchi ARGENTINA on the map saying, "its right near CHILLY."

puchi: its 'cheeeeee-lay'

its just bad when its your own granddaughter teaching YOU how to speak spanish. oh boy!

So my GringaMom visits ARGENTINA and see IGUAZU FALLS.....

...Iguazu Falls is undoubtedly the most visited place in Misiones and one of the most imposing natural attractions in Argentina, and why not in South America...

and all My GringaMom can say about the incomprable Iguaza Falls when she gets back to the States is:

I dont care what people say... it got NOTHING on NIAGARA FALLS!

my response: but MOOOOOOM! Niagara Falls is really in CANADA.

That'll teach her!!!  LOL

Read more of - Summer- A Time of LEISURE, no?