what i was doing for about a month away from FB

After talking to my BBF (best best friend) for over 2 hours on the phone- yeah REAL talking - i began to think about the lost art of talking and really of "friendship".

my other BBF called me and we spoke an unprecedented 35 minutes!  both being busy moms and all, this was a whole lot of time!  And after that she called me 2 more times to finish what we had started.  It got me thinking... im on to something here.  there really IS a lost art of "friendship".

so i decided to call up BBF #3 and i invited myself over.  - just because.

i mean it was the holidays, we had to catch up.  140 characters sometimes just isnt enough!  and the "like" button sometimes is overrated also.  so i decided let me take some time off my busy schedule [of being on fb and twitter] and go pay her a visit.

you wouldnt believe what happened!  we spoke for an unprecedented, unbelievable, record-breaking ....

EIGHT hours!!!

well that just about sealed my theory that "talking" and "friendship" is becoming a lost art.

so during my month in my social media detox, i tried to connect with people.  call them.  leave text messages for them to call me back, even leave vm's (gasp!) how old skool of me!  but i did.

some friends are too caught up in the social media matrix to respond and so i forgive them.

but for the others that responded to my actual VOICE!  and me to their VOICE.  wow!  new bonds were made.

my cousin called me from texas, before i even got around to calling her.  and gotta be honest... i was busy.  i was real busy.  but no!  i answered the phone.  and i sat down.   do u know that i sat down right at the very spot that she called me and didnt get up from that spot till an hour later when we finished catching up with our lives!

now THAT's so much satifsying then that FB "like" button.  dontcha think?

Keep reading FACEBOOK DETOX:

3 what i was doing for about a month away from facebook

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