House Built for a Diva- No 2 Walls are Parrallel and Other Diva Requests

Being a diva has its downsides. To perform in operas like "Madame Butterfly" and "Tosca," Patricia Racette—a leading American soprano—who says, "There's a misperception that opera singers' lives are really exciting. A lot of our time is spent making sure we stay healthy so we can sing."

Therefore she built her mansion to do just that- to help keep her voice opera diva like!

Here are some diva-like aspects of her home:

No 2 walls are parallel to each other so that when music is played the music can literally fill up the entire room.

The roof is tilted resembling  a piano lid opens up.

The house is  equipped with a humidifier system to keep their vocal chords from drying out.

And the doorbell is programmed to chime Chopin's Ballade No. 4—one of Ms. Clayton's favorite pieces. That keeps the dog from barking at the bell. "She's used to that music," said Ms. Racette.

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