I Look Like Obama!

photo: dr1.com
couple comes in to sign the divorce papers. he's dominican and she's puerto rican 

happiest couple u ever did see BTW so he jokes around and says: how soon can i get married again cuz im a good looking guy.... after all i look like OBAMA.

wife is just nodding her head. so i say: soon as the divorce goes thru.

so i keep filling out the paperwork. finally we get to the last one that is just statistical info. like: where were u born. where do u live? and the age old question: RACE.

so i zip thru the categories and say: ru white or black. [hispanic is not an option] so i dont wait for an answer and answer for him... black, right?

and he practically jumps up from his seat: "NO."

me: huh? dude u just said u look like OBAMA!

he's like: "but- im DOMINICAN."

me: yeah- so in DR- okay- ur not black. but here... wellllll --- its a different story. :)

LOL i wrote in HISPANIC of course. smh!

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