Don't get me wrong- I LOVE ROCKY! But what Alan Yang said in his acceptance speech at the Emmys was dead on!
And don't call it "anti- italian american"! or anything of the sort. That is not what Alan Yang said. That is what the media said. The media wanting to create cultural dissonance where there is none.
What Alan Yang really said was
simple, direct and TRUTH. He spelled it out mathematically. Let's look at the numbers here! Numbers don't lie! And he ended his speech with a plea to Asian American parents, tongue in cheek, but again - he is right on point! "Asian American parents, get your kids cameras instead of violins!" If the industry doesn't want to show Asian-Americans then they should and can do it themselves!
The message here is DIVERSITY.
Simple. I want to see more people of color, more Asians, more of everyone. We all should want to see more of what this country is made of. Not a eurocentric, unrealistic world that no one actually lives in.
Here is the text of what he said:
There’s 17 million Asian-Americans in this country, and there’s 17 million Italian Americans. They have The Godfather, Goodfellas, Rocky, The Sopranos. We got Long Duk Dong, so we’ve got a long way to go.
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