Oprah has started a campaign called #justsayhello, the reason being that she says millions of americans are suffering from loneliness. Just one simple word: HELLO can help you live longer.
Read more: http://www.oprah.com/health/Just-Say-Hello-Fight-Loneliness#ixzz2vK0TQkbV
So, i took Oprah's advice and picked up the phone and you wouldnt believe what happened
i went one step beyond Hello. What began as a simple conversation with a stranger wound up giving up one of my most prized possessions:
It's a simple greeting, but its power is profound: Science reveals that social interaction can help us live healthier, happier, and longer lives. Yet too many of us are missing out on chances for connection. Sanjay Gupta, MD, reports on an epidemic quietly sweeping society—and why we should all speak up.
Read more: http://www.oprah.com/health/Just-Say-Hello-Fight-Loneliness#ixzz2vK0TQkbV
So, i took Oprah's advice and picked up the phone and you wouldnt believe what happened
i went one step beyond Hello. What began as a simple conversation with a stranger wound up giving up one of my most prized possessions:
Well, my Grandmita says hello to everyone still and calls people randomly just to say hi. check out what happens when she gets a new cell phone