so my sister calls me... yes i have a sister. for those reading my stories about my dad, my gringamom, puchi, and papito-- where was my sis? ok here's why...

she calls me specifically to tell me: (read with a very haughty accent and nose up in the air - please. and thank u.)

weeeeee have a problem. 

me: problem?

let's call her MissyFoo.  [this was the 1st post that i introduced my sister: MissyFoo]

MissyFoo: yeaaaas. u see, i pay a lot of money to send my son to private school.

me: ah-ha.

MissyFoo: and i spend a lot of money for my son to take tennis lessons! (exclamation point cuz she's real upset, right?)

me: yes.

MissyFoo: aaaaaand i dont appreciate ur son [papito - of course - but she dont call him that. no. she calls him by his FULL name: victor emmanuel torres rodriguez {name has been change}] teaching MY son..... 'YO!'

well... i was flabbergasted. like what do i say?

me (meekly): i dont believe he speaks that way! <gasp!>

MissyFoo: well, he DOES! and i dont think there is any cuteness to that at all!

me: im dont believe 'cuteness' is a factor.... errrrrrr- i mean--- i dont think he says "YO" to be "cute". no. ummmm CUTE does not go into play. 

[i was trying to explain that young boys just want to be DOWN.... -sigh!- why do i even try....]

MissyFoo: whatever the impetus in using such phrases, i expect that from now on he will refrain from using that language around my son.

from there i had to hang up - cuz i just wanted to laughhhhhhhh out real loud. errrrr loudLY- yes i meant loudly. 


Read more of Navigating a Bilingual World