Fedora Alemán, considerada la "primera gran cantante lírica de Venezuela", celebraro un siglo de vida el 11 de octubre 2012. Aclamada en escenarios mundiales, se ha sentido orgullosa de ser también profeta en su tierra. Hoy en día sigue recomendando, como secreto de juventud eterna, la buena respiración.
According to opera diva Fedora Aleman, the secret to eternal youth is breathing deeply. She should know this opera soprano, Venezuelan sweetheart, just celebrated her 100th birthday!
"Respiro a fondo siempre", confesaba en una entrevista en 1982. Todavía aconseja hacerlo a sus familiares y amigos. Para ella es sinónimo de vida.
If you think about it, she's right breathing is synonymous with life! There is something to be learned from this 100 year old opera diva! On her website fedoraaleman.com/pagina.php?pag_id=2, she explains in detail the importance of deep breathing.
She explains that breathing not only profundamente but also correctly, is important for more than one reason.
The obvious reason is because she says that her voice is her instrument as an opera singer. As such, she learned the techniques for breathing. But she fears that young people learn the technique and once they feel they have mastered it that their learning is done. She urges young people to understand that learning is a lifelong endeavor, a search for a perfection that is illusory. That one must always look into themselves to continue to learn.
She explains that learning to breathe correctly is not only helpful for singing well but also for general well being, including not only physical health but emotional and spiritual well -being. She begins by explaining how proper posture assists in breathing correctly by opening up the diaphragm. She stresses relaxation which relaxes your muscles, inner organs, etc and how relaxation induced by deep breathing releases toxins, restores energy, is good for your skin, etc...
She urges that the key is to practice - to sing daily. "Sing" meaning not only the physical act of singing but also the emotional, even spiritual component of it.
Estudiando una canción, no cante solamente una melodía, cante un poema. La música levanta el poema de la frialdad hablada, transformándolo en una nueva belleza.
She explains that only via daily practice and introspection can you accomplish the benefits of proper breathing. And life long study but she says that when you are young all you have is time, so don't waste it!
She urges the study of different languages. She says that the best way to learn a song, is not to just say the words but to "interpret" the song. In order to lift the words off the page, to go from simply saying words to SINGING, one needs to study different languages. In fact, she recommends that if you like a song then you shod first study it in a language other than you own, if the song is available in another language.
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According to opera diva Fedora Aleman, the secret to eternal youth is breathing deeply. She should know this opera soprano, Venezuelan sweetheart, just celebrated her 100th birthday!
"Respiro a fondo siempre", confesaba en una entrevista en 1982. Todavía aconseja hacerlo a sus familiares y amigos. Para ella es sinónimo de vida.
If you think about it, she's right breathing is synonymous with life! There is something to be learned from this 100 year old opera diva! On her website fedoraaleman.com/pagina.php?pag_id=2, she explains in detail the importance of deep breathing.
Lo que NO debemos hacer:
Abusar de las cuerdas vocales, tratar de cantar más fuerte, forzando, fumar, gritar, cantar en un registro equivocado, cantar hasta cansarse.
The obvious reason is because she says that her voice is her instrument as an opera singer. As such, she learned the techniques for breathing. But she fears that young people learn the technique and once they feel they have mastered it that their learning is done. She urges young people to understand that learning is a lifelong endeavor, a search for a perfection that is illusory. That one must always look into themselves to continue to learn.
El camino del nunca alcanzable goce: "Perfección" - es largo y difícil; ningún éxito con el público, ni críticas excitantes, me hicieron pensar que yo había llegado a la perfección. Seguir adelante, y no desanimarse por pequeñas imperfecciones...
...es un placer respirar bien, ello elimina las toxinas, se refleja también en nuestra energía, nuestra piel, nos calma, cuantas veces, antes de una actuación artística, hacemos unas cuantas respiraciones y nos sentimos mucho mejor, más seguros, etc.
Estudiando una canción, no cante solamente una melodía, cante un poema. La música levanta el poema de la frialdad hablada, transformándolo en una nueva belleza.
La tarea es larga, pero cuando se es joven, hay tiempo. No lo pierdan: ¡estudien!
She urges the study of different languages. She says that the best way to learn a song, is not to just say the words but to "interpret" the song. In order to lift the words off the page, to go from simply saying words to SINGING, one needs to study different languages. In fact, she recommends that if you like a song then you shod first study it in a language other than you own, if the song is available in another language.
Yo recomiendo, antes de empezar a estudiar una canción (no importa el idioma) buscar si está escrita en otro idioma que no sea el nuestro, hacer una traducción y leer el poema varias veces en voz alta, buscar donde está el clímax; tratar de comprender el estado de ánimo del poeta, sentir el poema, luego viene la música; repito solamente uniendo con iguales valores música-poema, es que la perfección puede llegar.
This diva never let fame get to her head. She said, when she was in her 70's, that she prefers to sing in front of a small town, or a small crowd than a big arena, anywhere where the audience is "pure".
Recorrió el mundo entero, expresando toda la intensidad de sus emociones y su apego a la vida a través de su voz de soprano. Por más de 50 años, la diva –que el periodista Lorenzo Batallán comparó con un "cisne neoclásico"– logró mantenerse en el escenario con la voz prácticamente intacta. Pero los humos no se le subieron a la diva. En 1977 ganó el Premio Nacional de Música y dijo que le gustaba mucho presentarse en los pequeños pueblos: “Ni quiero ser elitesca ni lo soy. Créanme, nada más agradable que cantarle a un público fresco, desprevenido, puro”. A los 76 años de edad aseguraba que su voz había cambiado poco: “Yo creo que el milagro Alemán es que a mi edad todavía tenga una voz fresca, vocalizo diariamente media hora. Yo creo que ese es el arte de no envejecer: practicar todos los días para poder hacerlo mañana”. Nunca dejó de estudiar.
Fedora Aleman, the opera diva that believes in inner peace, lifelong study, bilingualism, and singing your life away.... that is a true DIVA.
La música levanta el poema de la frialdad hablada, transformándolo en una nueva belleza.
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