I learned from my Tía who migrated
from Cuba, not just the language and
culture but even more basic than that:
how to cure the common sore throat or
headache, or just about any pain or
ailment you might have.
One of the first cure from my Tía that I
remember is with a common household
item found in the kitchen cabinet. I
remember when I was ten I was on
Miami Beach with my great aunts and
uncles is migrated from Cuba. They
would pull out the white Volkswagen
station wagon with black interior and
pile us up inside. We would head over
the bridge to Miami Beach and find a
spot (same spot every time) under the
large cabana. Once the car was
unloaded and the towels were laid down
my cousins and I would run to the
Well, one day we were out there from 8
in the morning to 6. We were
Read the rest on http://www.ladivalatina.com/consejos.html