Latin Lives: Who's the Man in the Family?

Which brother will be the man
in the house?
the macho cop or the one who
just announced he's getting married
– to another man?

Papo played by Jaime Santana, Jr. Papo is a still grieving his wife but without emotion. He never even cried at her funeral. Working long hours to cover the pain, but he says that his long hours are to pay for his son’s private school. He wants only the best for his son. He’s very macho, acts like he’s in control but in actuality he’s about to explode!

Let’s add fuel to the already explosive Papo. ---- His brother, Sammy ---- is gay. Let’s add some more candela. Sammy is about to announce he’s getting married! Wepa! Wait… there’s more ---- Ay! There is one more thing that happens in this family and someone has to step up and be the man. Which brother will it be? The Macho cop? Or the gay brother? You will hear a pin drop in that theatre.

