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Hours/week men spend
with friends: 10
Hours/week women
spend with friends: 7.5
Source: psychologytoday.com
Having friends helps you live longer.In one study, those who had the most friends over a 9-
year period cut their risk of death by more than 60%.
Source: anapsid.org
Friendship is good medicine.Dr. Dean Ornish, a pioneer in reversing heart disease,
notes that no other factor in medicine - ''not diet, not
smoking, not exercise, not stress, not genetics, not
drugs, not surgery - has a greater effect on how often we
get sick than the healing power of love.''
Source: capecodonline.comIn one study, women saw “volunteer friends” regularly
throughout the year. 72 % had a remission in depression.
That's about the same success rate as antidepressants.
Source: psychologytoday.com
Friends are good for your heart and soul. People with a strong social network are more likely to
survive a major illness such as a heart attack or cancer.
Human companionship can also help reduce the effects of
stress on the body, protect against illness, and help us heal
when we do get sick.
They're also less susceptible to chronic illnesses such as
heart disease, inflammatory bowel disease and arthritis.
Source: capecodonline.com
Smoking, obesity and lonelinessThe famed Nurses' Health Study from Harvard Medical
School were so significant, the researchers concluded,
that not having close friends was as detrimental to your
health as smoking or carrying extra weight.
Source: anapsid.org
You will go through 396 friends in a lifetime but will have
only 33 at any one time.
Source: flatrock.orgStudies show unequivocally that it's the friendship part of
marriage that makes marriage last.
Source: psychologytoday.comBest friends annoy each other less as they age.
Source: Michigan Daily OnlineModern friendship - the Silent Friend Very rarely do they speak on the phone, and they are
even less likely to meet face to face. One in 3 people
admit they have "silent friends" and say they make
contact with them up to 4 times a day.
Source: microsoft.com
The Science of FriendshipThe many factors that influence an individual’s fate to meet
an acquaintance and decide to become a friend are
impossible to capture, but physicists have done it anyway
and “with near precision”.
“The idea behind our model, though simple, is different
from the usual paradigmatic approaches,” Gonzalez told
PhysOrg.com. “We consider a system of mobile agents
(students), which at the beginning have no acquaintances;
by moving in a continuous space they collide with each
other, forming their friendships.”
Using physical science to understand human
interactions? Well, it was Social Statistics that guided the
development of the kinetic theory of gases. I’m not sure
what that means – but I feel a poem coming on – We are
like molecular gases in the atmosphere…
Source: physorg.com
What does this all mean?
Stop counting your money and start counting your friends.
Más vale un buen amigo que un peso en el bolsillo.
So... will you be my friend??? :)
year period cut their risk of death by more than 60%.
Source: anapsid.org
Friendship is good medicine.Dr. Dean Ornish, a pioneer in reversing heart disease,
notes that no other factor in medicine - ''not diet, not
smoking, not exercise, not stress, not genetics, not
drugs, not surgery - has a greater effect on how often we
get sick than the healing power of love.''
Source: capecodonline.comIn one study, women saw “volunteer friends” regularly
throughout the year. 72 % had a remission in depression.
That's about the same success rate as antidepressants.
Source: psychologytoday.com
Friends are good for your heart and soul. People with a strong social network are more likely to
survive a major illness such as a heart attack or cancer.
Human companionship can also help reduce the effects of
stress on the body, protect against illness, and help us heal
when we do get sick.
They're also less susceptible to chronic illnesses such as
heart disease, inflammatory bowel disease and arthritis.
Source: capecodonline.com
Smoking, obesity and lonelinessThe famed Nurses' Health Study from Harvard Medical
School were so significant, the researchers concluded,
that not having close friends was as detrimental to your
health as smoking or carrying extra weight.
Source: anapsid.org
You will go through 396 friends in a lifetime but will have
only 33 at any one time.
Source: flatrock.orgStudies show unequivocally that it's the friendship part of
marriage that makes marriage last.
Source: psychologytoday.comBest friends annoy each other less as they age.
Source: Michigan Daily OnlineModern friendship - the Silent Friend Very rarely do they speak on the phone, and they are
even less likely to meet face to face. One in 3 people
admit they have "silent friends" and say they make
contact with them up to 4 times a day.
Source: microsoft.com
The Science of FriendshipThe many factors that influence an individual’s fate to meet
an acquaintance and decide to become a friend are
impossible to capture, but physicists have done it anyway
and “with near precision”.
“The idea behind our model, though simple, is different
from the usual paradigmatic approaches,” Gonzalez told
PhysOrg.com. “We consider a system of mobile agents
(students), which at the beginning have no acquaintances;
by moving in a continuous space they collide with each
other, forming their friendships.”
Using physical science to understand human
interactions? Well, it was Social Statistics that guided the
development of the kinetic theory of gases. I’m not sure
what that means – but I feel a poem coming on – We are
like molecular gases in the atmosphere…
Source: physorg.com
Stop counting your money and start counting your friends.
Más vale un buen amigo que un peso en el bolsillo.
So... will you be my friend??? :)